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Pressure Wave Generated in Vented Confined Gas Explosions: Experiment and Simulation
Autoři: Janovský Břetislav | Podstawka Tadeáš | Makovička Daniel | Horkel Jan | Vejs Lukáš
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Název nakladatele: University of Technology Brno
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: J04-6
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze gas explosion, blast wave, AutoReaGas, CFD simulation.
eng Pressure Wave Generated in Vented Confined Gas Explosions: Experiment and Simulation Research Mining Institute, Inc., Ostrava-Radvanice in cooperation with Dept. of Theory and Technology of Explosives of University of Pardubice and Klokner Institute of CTU in Prague has done two series of experiments of methane-air mixture explosions and their impact on 14 cm thick wall. Project was named ?Modeling of pressure fields effects on engineering structures during accidental explosions of gases in buildings? and was sponsored by Grant Agency of Czech Republic (project No. 103/01/0039). The Project is aimed at deeper understanding of pressure field?s effect upon the structures. Gas explosions are much more common in real life and generated pressure waves are continuous and its positive phase duration is in the order of hundreds of milliseconds. Hence, methane-air mixture explosion was used as blast wave generator. At the beginning of the project it was necessary to design a geometrical configuration of the experiments, which would be similar to the average room such as larger kitchen. Desired overpressures were determined using AutoReaGas code (Century Dynamics and TNO). This phase was followed by tests in experimental mine in Štramberk. Two masonry dams were build in the mine with cross-section area 10,2 m2 and longitudinal distance was 5,7 m giving explosion chamber with volume of 58 m3. Steel frame (size 2200  2575 mm) holding the tested structure was set in concrete into loaded dam. Two vents in loaded dam with adjustable free cross-section were used to control maximum overpressure inside the chamber. Concentration of methane-air mixture was approximately 9,5 % (vol.) and volume of the cloud was either 5,25 or 10,2 m3. Overpressures inside the chamber were in range between 1 and 65 kPa. Today?s simulators with basic calibration are not accurate enough for simulation of every geometry and conditions. Therefore it is necessary to perform experimental calibration of the code. After calibration of the code it is possible to make relatively accur gas explosion, blast wave, AutoReaGas, CFD simulation.