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The Influence of the Type and Intensity of Ignition Sources on Explosion Parameters of the Gaseous, Dusts and Hybrid Mixtures.
Autoři: Czeczotková Radka | Janovský Břetislav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar "New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials"
Název nakladatele: KTTV, Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 75-88
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze The Influence of the Type and Intensity of Ignition Sources on Explosion Parameters of the Gaseous, Dusts and Hybrid Mixtures. Explosion parameters e.g. maximum explosion pressure - pm, maximum rate of pressure rise - (dp/dt)m and times connected with these variables: ti - induction time (time from the ignition to the first rise of pressure), tr - reaction time (time when (dp/dt)m is got) and the tm - time when pm is got, are influenced by the type and intensity of ignition sources at the gaseous, dusts and hybrid explosions. It means that variables, which are calculated or evaluated from measured ones, e.g. flammability limits - lower flammability limit and upper flammability limit, are influenced too. Following types of ignition sources were chosen for comparison: electric fuse, Vesuvit TN and nitrocellulose. The intensity of ignition sources was varied. Attention was fixed on gaseous mixture methane - air and hybrid mixture black coal - methane - air. gaseous mixtures;hybrid mixtures;explosion parameters;ignition sources
eng The Influence of the Type and Intensity of Ignition Sources on Explosion Parameters of the Gaseous, Dusts and Hybrid Mixtures. Explosion parameters e.g. maximum explosion pressure - pm, maximum rate of pressure rise - (dp/dt)m and times connected with these variables: ti - induction time (time from the ignition to the first rise of pressure), tr - reaction time (time when (dp/dt)m is got) and the tm - time when pm is got, are influenced by the type and intensity of ignition sources at the gaseous, dusts and hybrid explosions. It means that variables, which are calculated or evaluated from measured ones, e.g. flammability limits - lower flammability limit and upper flammability limit, are influenced too. Following types of ignition sources were chosen for comparison: electric fuse, Vesuvit TN and nitrocellulose. The intensity of ignition sources was varied. Attention was fixed on gaseous mixture methane - air and hybrid mixture black coal - methane - air. gaseous mixtures;hybrid mixtures;explosion parameters;ignition sources