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3-Aminobenzanthrone Derivatives Exhibiting Intermolecular Exciplex Formation
Autoři: Kapusta Petr | Takagi Y. | Nepraš Miloš | Urbanec Josef | Hrdina Radim | Michl Martin | Fidler Vlastimil
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng 3-Aminobenzanthrone Derivatives Exhibiting Intermolecular Exciplex Formation N-Acetyl-3-aminobenzanthrone derivatives containing a tertiary amino group on acetyl CH2 group show dual fluorescene. Both emission bands originate from the same molecule. Time resolved measurements indicate that the red emission corresponds to an intramolecular exciplex state. The formation of this state is the dominant proces quenching the green fluorescence of the system in relaxed Frank-Condon state. 3-Aminobenzanthrone derivatives, Intramolecular exciplex formation, UV/Vis absorption and fluorescence spectra, Dual fluorescence, Solvent effect on formation of exciplexes, Time resolved measurements.