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Dual Fluorescence of a Trichromophoric Molecule
Autoři: Dvořák M. | Michl Martin | Surovec Zbyňek | Pánek D. | Nepraš Miloš | Fidler Vlastimil
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Dual Fluorescence of a Trichromophoric Molecule Time and frequency resolved fluorescence spectroscopy was applied to study a molecule with three chromophoric subunits in order to gain an insight into the excitation energy flow from the donor to accetor parts of the molecule. A previous study of photophysical properties of a trichromophoric compound that conained the same donor-acceptor pair (benzanthronylamino and pyrenylamino chromophores) indicated extremely (ca 150 fs) D-A excitation energy transfer there. The trichromophore 2-(3-benzanthronylamino)-4-(1-pyrenylamino)-6-anilino-1,3,5-triazine, examined here, shows fluorescence emission from its acceptor part at 550 nm after excitation either into the donor or into the acceptor bands centred at 350 nm and 440 nm, respectively. A residual direct donor part emission is observed after the excitation into the corresponding absorption band at 350 nm. Explanation of emission character and assignement of the two fluorescence emission bands observed with the trichromophore is the first step in inramolecular electronic excitation energy transfer in this supramolecule. Time and frequency resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, Photophysical properties, Trichromophoric compound, Benzanthronylamino and pyrenylamino chromophores, 2-(3-benzanthronylamino)-4-(1-pyrenylamino)-6-anilino-1,3,5-triazine.