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Influence of Company Environmental Performance on Economic Results
Autoři: Hyršlová Jaroslava | Sakál Peter
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 11 International Scientific Conference CO-MAT-TECH 2003
Název nakladatele: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislavě, Materiálovotechnologická fakulta so sídlom v Trnave
Místo vydání: Trnava
Strana od-do: 118
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv environmentálního profilu podniku na jeho výsledky hospodaření environmentální profil, environmentální náklady, ochrana životního prostředí, výsledek hospodaření
eng Influence of Company Environmental Performance on Economic Results The approach of a business to environmental protection is one of the most significant aspects for achieving business success as well as for company development. In a significant manner, the environmental performance could impact the economic results of the company. Responsible approach of a business toward the environment may mean increased competitive advantages. Among the factors increasing competitive advantage are primarily perfecting company-wide management, reducing costs, improving supplier ? customer relations and improving negotiations with banks, insurance companies, state agencies and the public. Integration of elements of environmental protection into the entire management system is the tool enabling a company to achieve and systematically manage the level of environmental performance. environmental performance, environmental costs, environmental protection, economic results