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Growth Curves, Measurement and Three-dimensional Reconstruction in the Histopatology of Temporal Bones
Autoři: Chrobok Viktor | Meloun Milan | Šimánková E | Antoš K | Ježek B
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Oto-Rhino-Laryngologia
Název nakladatele: Karger Medical and Scientific Publisher
Místo vydání: CH
Strana od-do: 109-118
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Growth Curves, Measurement and Three-dimensional Reconstruction in the Histopatology of Temporal Bones Growth curves, measurement and three-dimensional reconstruction in the histopatology of temporal bones Temporal bone; Stapes; Saccule; Utricle, Cochlea; Regression analysis; Growth curve; Mitscherlich model; Three-dimensional computer reconstruction; VATER syndrome
eng Growth Curves, Measurement and Three-dimensional Reconstruction in the Histopatology of Temporal Bones Growth curves, measurement and three-dimensional reconstruction in the histopatology of temporal bones Temporal bone;Stapes;Saccule;Utricle, Cochlea;Regression analysis;Growth curve;Mitscherlich model;Three-dimensional computer reconstruction;VATER syndrome