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The fluorescence properties of N-derivatives of 3-aminoperylene
Autoři: Almonasy Numan | Hyková Šárka | Dvořák M | Michl Martin | Nepraš Miloš
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: PIMoP 2008 Book of Abstracts
Místo vydání: Czech Technical University in Prague
Strana od-do: 49-49
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fluorescenční vlastnosti N-derivátů 3-aminoperylenu Fluorescenční vlastnosti N-derivátů 3-aminoperylenu
eng The fluorescence properties of N-derivatives of 3-aminoperylene In connection with the study of excitation energy transfer (EET) and relationships structure-fluorescence characteristics of organic dyes, we presented the spectral and photophysical properties of bichromophoric compound containing 1-aninopyrene as a donor of EET. 3-aminobenzanthrone as an acceptor of EET and 1,3,5-triazine as a spacer [1]. In previous papers [2,3], we reported on a solvent dependence of absorption and fluorescence spectra, fluorescence lifetimes and fluorescence quantum yields of various 3-substituted benzanthrone derivatives. More recently, we have reported on fluorescence properties of N-substituted 1-and 2-aminopyrenes [4]. Now, we present the results of the study of spectral and photophysical properties of N-derivatives of 3-aminopyrene. The influences of electronic structure and solvent polarity, absorption and fluorescence spectra and on fluorescence quantum yields are discussed. 3-aminoperylene