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Application of benzotriazole reactive UV absorbers to cellulose and determining sun protection of treated fabric spectrophotometrically
Autoři: Akrman Jiří | Přikryl Josef
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Název nakladatele: Wiley-Blackwell
Strana od-do: 334-341
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Aplikace UV-absorbérů na bázi benzotriazolu do celulosy a spektrofotometrické určení ochrany proti UV záření Byly připraveny UV absorbéry pro ochranu bavlněných vláken reakcemi pěti typů různých aminofenylsulfobenzotriazolů. Reaktivní UV absorbéry se dvěma různými reaktivními skupinami byly použity k ochraně celofánových fólii a dvou typů bavlněných vláken s různou porozitou. Účinek UV ochrany vzrostl z faktoru tři až na sto. Uv absorbéry jsou stálé na světle a nefloreskují. Tyto UV ansorbéry dále zajišťují optickou stálost bavlněných vláken.
eng Application of benzotriazole reactive UV absorbers to cellulose and determining sun protection of treated fabric spectrophotometrically UV absorbers for treating cotton textiles with the aim of increased protection against harmful effects of UV component of solar radiation have been prepared by reactions of five different aminophenylsulfobenzotriazoles with the condensation product of 4-aminophenyl-sulfatoethylsulfone and cyanuric chloride. The UV absorbers with two different reactive groups (monochloro-triazine and aromatic vinylsulfone), capable of formation of covalent bonds with hydroxyl groups of cellulose, were applied to one cellophane foil and two cotton fabrics of different porosities. This treatment increased the ultraviolet protection factor from a value of UPF = 3 to UPF 100 and above. For attaining a high UPF value, the cotton material should exhibit low porosity. The UV absorbers with 2-hydroxyphenyl group are stable in light and do not fluoresce on the fabric on contrary to derivatives without 2-hydroxyphenyl group or with 2-methoxyphenyl group. The high photostability of absorbers is explained by the possibility to disperse the absorbed energy of UV radiation in the form of harmless energy such as IR radiation (heat) through the reversible hydrogen bond between phenolic hydroxyl group and triazine cycle. The UV filters block the effect of optical brightening agents on cotton by quenching the fluorescence. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. sun protection;UV absorbers;benzotriazoles;cellulose;cotton