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The concept of basic model for the measurement of the CRM level (i.e. QM model CRM)
Autoři: Keřt Radim
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Management, economics and business development in the new European condition
Název nakladatele: CERM
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze The concept of basic model for the measurement of the CRM level (i.e. QM model CRM) The whole world business has gone through wide globalisation and unification, so that many B2B (business to business) companies now can find that a huge customers contribute the crucial amount of the turnover. I deal with measurement model of customer relationship management in the profit sector. I focus on the fundamental principles of customer relationship management and I refer to the fruitfulness of implementation solving the consumer relationship and also I refer to the fruitfulness of measurement model of CRM (called QUICK MEASUREMENT MODEL of CRM).
eng The concept of basic model for the measurement of the CRM level (i.e. QM model CRM) The whole world business has gone through wide globalisation and unification, so that many B2B (business to business) companies now can find that a huge customers contribute the crucial amount of the turnover. I deal with measurement model of customer relationship management in the profit sector. I focus on the fundamental principles of customer relationship management and I refer to the fruitfulness of implementation solving the consumer relationship and also I refer to the fruitfulness of measurement model of CRM (called QUICK MEASUREMENT MODEL of CRM). CRM;marketing;quick measurement model of CRM