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Chip-based Magnetic Bioaffinity Technique Adapted for Qualitative Analysis of Food Allergens
Autoři: Slováková Marcela | Jankovičová Barbora | Rösnerová Šárka | Korecká Lucie | Minc Nicolas | Viovy Jean-Louis | Hernychová Lenka | Hubálek Martin | Bílková Zuzana
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: The proceedings of MicroTAS 2007 Conference
Název nakladatele: Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society
Místo vydání: Tokyo
Strana od-do: 637-639
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Bioafinitní technika pro kvalitativní analýzu potravních alergenů založená na magnetickém mikročipu. Miniaturizace analytické techniky epitope excission s použitím magnetických mikročástic a mikročipového zařízení. mikročip, potravní alergen, magnetické částice, epitope excission, epitope extraction
eng Chip-based Magnetic Bioaffinity Technique Adapted for Qualitative Analysis of Food Allergens There is a continuous push to miniaturize and integrate as many laboratory instrumentation pieces as possible in the quest for a ?lab-on-chip?. Parallel to the boom of microfluidic systems, nanomaterials with paramagnetic properties have become a hot topic in recent research. Using carriers with magnetic property overcomes many of the problems associated with the use of liquid gel slurries. Magnetic particles provide universal system with additional convenience, consistency, stability, ease of handling and exceptional flexibility compared to standard chromatography resins. We present examples of bioanalysis based on the self-organization of superparamagnetic beads under a magnetic field in a simple well-established microfluidic device fabricated in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) by soft lithography and rapid prototyping. As previously published by our research group, the microanalytical system with plug of bio-active beads profits from a large surface-to-volume ratio and minimal diffusion effect. Particularly such factors contribute to the favorable reaction kinetics, decrease reaction time to seconds and improve the sensitivity and specificity of molecular recognition. Peptides in fraction eluted from immunosorbent were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and identified by proper database: M/z 1016.6615, missed cleavages: 2, position: 277-284, peptide sequence: KIKVYLPR. The main immunogenic structure of ovalbumin molecule was proved. Chip-based epitope extraction technique consisting of 2 steps in off-line, on-line or in-line arrangement can be an excellent basement for high-throughput screening of other food allergens and predicting epitopes with immunogenic potential. chip; food allergen; magnetic particles; epitope excission; epitope extraction