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Steps to Creating Customer Value and their Level in the Czech Republic
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Business and Management 2008
Název nakladatele: VGTU Publishing House Technika
Místo vydání: Vilnius
Strana od-do: 273-276
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fáze vytváření hodnoty pro zákazníka a jejich úroveň v České republice Příspěvek popisuje proces vytváření a dodání hopdnoty pro zákazníka v rámci hodnotového managementu a diskutuje úroveň zvládnutí tohoto procesu v českých průmyslových podnicích.
eng Steps to Creating Customer Value and their Level in the Czech Republic This paper describes the results of qualitative research in selected Czech enterprises that was focused on identification of current level of applying of single phases of modern concept of value-based management. Value-based management would be created by five steps process oriented on creating and delivering superior, meaningful value to target customers as tool to really make a difference to firm?s performance. This process would have these phases: 1. Discover and quantify firm?s customers? wants and needs; 2. Commit to the most important things that will impact firms? customers; 3 Create customer value that is meaningful and understand; 4. Assess how you did at creating true customer value; 5. Improve your value package to keep firm?s customers coming back. This paper describes which actions are necessary in each of these phases and level of these actions in selected Czech enterprises. Customer Value as Value to a Customer; Creating Customer Value; Value-Based Management; Steps to Creating Customer Value