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Filtration Model for Hollow Fiber Membranes with Compressible Cake Formation
Autoři: Kinčl Jan | Doleček Petr | Cakl Jiří
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Desalination
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 99-107
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Filtration Model for Hollow Fiber Membranes with Compressible Cake Formation Mathematical model of filtration on hollow fiber with compressible cake formation is derived in this article. Numerical solution of the model equations by finite volume method is applied. Dependences of cake thickness, flux and pressure inside the fiber on fiber axial coordinate are shown. Results show that the model could be useful for prediction of initial stages of filtration on hollow fibers, especially when the cake with higher specific resistance is formed. Microfiltration;Membrane;Hollow fiber;Compressible cake;Model