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O-TOF-ICP-MS Analysis of Rare Earth Elements, Noble Elements, Uranium and Thorium in River-relating Species
Rok: 2012
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Místo vydání: Abingdon
Strana od-do: 620-635
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze O-TOF-ICP-MS analýza prvků vzácných zemin, vzácných prvků, uranu a thoria v říčních organismech Byla vyvinuta metoda pro stanovení vybraných prvků vzácných zemin Sc, Y, La, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sm, Tb, Tm, Yb, Ce v říčních organismech pomocí o-TOF ICP MS spektrometru Detekční limity pro vybrané prvky se pohybovaly v jednotkách μg.kg-1, obsahy sledovaných prvků s výjimkou Sc se u vzorků ryb pohybovaly v desítkách μg.kg-1, někde nebyly prvky vůbec detekovány. V případě ostatních vzorků byly vždy detekovány měřitelné koncentrace. Prvky vzácných zemin; o-TOF-ICP-MS; Biota; Biomonitoring
eng O-TOF-ICP-MS Analysis of Rare Earth Elements, Noble Elements, Uranium and Thorium in River-relating Species The determination of rare earth elements (REEs), Au, Pt, Ir, Pd, Th and U in various river species was performed by the orthogonal time-of-flight inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (o-TOF-ICP-MS). The method working conditions were optimised in order to minimise the presence and possible spectral interferences of oxides. Ratios MO+/M+ as well as interference of light REE and Ba oxides/hydroxides with high REEs were evaluated and confirmed to be insignificant. Using the internal standard Re, non-spectral matrix effects (originally decreasing of intensities up to 15 %) were overcome and recoveries were found from 92 to 105 % for all matrices analysed. For solutions, limits of detection (3σ) were 0.14 - 0.82 for REEs, Th, U and Y, 1.18 for La, 4.3 - 5.6 for Au, Pt, Ir and Pd 11 for Sc (all in ng L-1). The Principal component analysis was used for classification of samples according to their places of origin successfully. The o-TOF-ICP-MS was proved to be a very sensitive and suitable technique for bio-monitoring purposes and was employed in the analysis of biota samples (fish, insect, profiles, benthal growths) originated from five different places in the river Elbe (Czech Republic). rare earth elements; o-TOF-ICP-MS; biota; biomonitoring