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Monitoring of methane and CO2 from selected sources in the environment in the Czech Republic
Autoři: Chýlková Jaromíra | Machalíková Jaroslava | Obršálová Ilona | Brunclík Tomáš | Baťa Robert
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and DEVELOPMENT
Název nakladatele: WSEAS Press
Místo vydání: Atény
Strana od-do: 96-103
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Monitorování methanu a CO2 u vybraných zdrojů v České republice Obsah skleníkových plynů byl monitorován na skládce, v kompostárně a v oblasti s uzavřenou důlní činností. methan;CO2;skládkový plyn
eng Monitoring of methane and CO2 from selected sources in the environment in the Czech Republic Some greenhouse emissions, methane and CO2, were tracked in three locations in the Czech Republic and one of these is the deactivated coal mine in the region of Ostrava Karvina, the landfill in Nasarvrky and the composting plant in the surroundings of Pardubice in Drazkovice. A mobile analyser unit Ecoprobe 5 was used for the measurements. It was realized that in case some technical measures were implemented for the methane recovery and subsequent processing, there is neither danger of contamination in the surroundings, nor risk of explosion. Composting plant is a long-term source of CO2. Its emission concentration at the surface level reaches tenths of volume percentage. Methane is produced in minimal concentration. methane;carbon dioxide;landfill gas;firedamp