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Transport of sulphuric acid and nickel sulphate in continuous dialyzer
Autoři: Bendová Helena | Palatý Zdeněk
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the XXIV International Symposium on Physicochemical Methods of Separation Ars Separatoria 2009
Název nakladatele: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej
Místo vydání: Wroclaw
Strana od-do: 112-113
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Transport of sulphuric acid and nickel sulphate in continuous dialyzer The simultaneous transport of sulphuric acid and nickel sulphate through an anion-exchange membrane Neosepta-AFN was investigated in a counter-current continuous dialyzer for various acid/salt concentration ratios and volumetric liquid flow rates. The basic transport characteristics, the acid recovery, the rejection coefficient of salt and the overall dialysis coefficient, were evaluated from the measurements at steady state. Under the experimental conditions given, the acid recovery was found to be in the limits from 63% to 90% and the rejection coefficient was in the range from 79% to 97%. The maximum acid recovery can be reached at low volumetric liquid flow rates of the feed and low initial salt concentrations. On the contrary, the maximum rejection of salt can be observed at high volumetric liquid flow rates of the feed and high initial acid and salt concentrations. Nevertheless the results obtained showed that for H2SO4/NiSO4 mixture the Neosepta-AFN membrane can be considered a good separator. Continuous diffusion dialysis;Sulphuric acid;Nickel sulphate;Anion-Exchange membrane