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Cationic and free-radical polymerization of glycidylmethacrylate by hybrid photoinitiator HP1
Autoři: Jašúrek Bohumil | Bendáková Nela | Vališ Jan | Weidlich Tomáš
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the IX. Seminar in Graphic Arts
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 110-115
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Kationtová a radikálová polymerace glycidylmethakrylátu iniciovaná hybridním fotoiniciátorem HP1 Cílem práce bylo studium průběhu kationtové a radikálové polymerace glycidylmethakrylátu iniciované hybridním fotoiniciátorem HP1. fotoiniciátory;radikálová polymerace;kationtová polymerace;hybridní polymerace; FTIR
eng Cationic and free-radical polymerization of glycidylmethacrylate by hybrid photoinitiator HP1 The aim of this paper was to monitor the progress of the polymerization of glycidylmethacrylate initiated by hybrid photoinitiator HP1 (contain chemical groups which can start free radical and cationic polymerization simultaneously). The effectivenes of hybrid photoinitiator was compared with commercialy available free radical (Irgacure2959) and cationic (Irgacure261)photoinitiators. The effectivenes of initiators to polymerize binders was also investigated in the binder polymerizating only free radical polymerization(PETIA, acrylic type) and cationic polymerization (Celoxide2021P,epoxy type). Polymerization reactions were studied by FTIR spectroscopy by monitoring the decrease of the IR band characteristic of there active functional group upon UV exposure. photoinitiators;radical polymerization;cationic polymerization;hybrid polymerization;FTIR