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FTIR comparison of gaseous products from thermal decomposition and detonation
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 1st Korean International Symposium on High Energy Materials Science
Název nakladatele: Inha University
Místo vydání: Incheon
Strana od-do: P13-P13
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze detonace;nitraminy;BCHMX;RDX;HMX;HNIW;plastické výbušiny;citlivost
eng FTIR comparison of gaseous products from thermal decomposition and detonation The gaseous products of thermal decomposition of few individual explosives were investigated by custom made simultaneous FTIR/DTA. The samples were heated at 5°C.min-1 rate and all decomposition products were allowed to pass through FTIR gas cell. The gasses evolving during heating were continually sampled and infrared spectra were measured as a dependence of an absorbance on time and wave number. The corresponding temperature and the point of ignition were further detected as an onset on the DTA thermogram. The tested explosives were later detonated by standard commercial electric num. 8 detonator in closed vessel. The resulting gaseous products were transferred using gas-sampling bulb into the lab, analyzed by FTIR and compared to the ones from the thermal decomposition.ratio of catalyst to acetone (nc/na) used during preparation of TATP. The faster rate of the transformation was observed at high temperatures and higher molar ratio nc/na detonation;nitramines;BCHMX;RDX;HMX;HNIW;plastic explosives;sensitivity