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Glucose Biosensor with RhO2 and Glucose Dehydrogenase
Autoři: Polan Vojtěch | Soukup Jan | Vytřas Karel
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: YISAC 2009 - Young Investigators Seminar on Analytical Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz
Místo vydání: Graz
Strana od-do: 32-35
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Glucose Biosensor with RhO2 and Glucose Dehydrogenase Several types of immobilization methods were tested with glucose oxidase, including entrapment in Nafion, cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, immobilization with cellulose acetate and electropolymerization of pyrrol or m-phenylenediamine. Subsequently, a glucose dehydrogenase enzyme together with cofactor NAD+ were immobilized using the best method, in terms of enzyme activity retaining, response time, sensitivity and dynamic range of concentrations. As the best method was evaluated immobilization of enzyme via electropolymerization with m-phenylenediamine. This way prepared enzyme biosensors has been optimized and tested in model samples of glucose. Biosensor had linear range 500 ? 5000 mg.L-1 of glucose with a detection limit of 210 mg.L-1 (evaluated as 3 sigma) and response time 39 s. Biosensor;Glucose