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Fall of spherical particles in viscoelastic fluids
Autoři: Strnadel Jaroslav | Machač Ivan
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Novel Trends in Rheology III, Proceedings of the International Conference
Název nakladatele: American Institute of Physics
Místo vydání: Melville
Strana od-do: 57-68
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Pád kulových částic ve viskoelastických kapalinách pád koule;viskoelastické kapaliny;součinitel odporu;Carreauův model;Debořino kritérium
eng Fall of spherical particles in viscoelastic fluids In this contribution, the results of experimental determination of the drag coefficient correction factor for spherical particles moving slowly through a Carreau viscosity model fluid are presented. The experimental values of the correction factor, which were evaluated from measurements of terminal falling velocity of seventeen types of spherical particles in viscoelastic polymer solutions, are compared with those calculated numerically using a finite elements method. The results obtained confirm that in the case of shear thinning concentrated polymer solutions the viscoelastic effects are only of minor significance. However, in the case of less concentrated high-molecular polymer solutions in polyalkylene glycol Emkarox an evident drag enhancement has been observed. sphere fall; viscoelastic fluids;drag coefficient;Carreau model;Deborah number