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Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci a jejich vliv na ekonomickou výkonnost podniku
Autoři: Hyršlová Jaroslava | Vávra Jan | Bednaříková Marie
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Human Resources Management and Ergonomics
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
Místo vydání: Zvolen
Strana od-do: 5-14
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci a jejich vliv na ekonomickou výkonnost podniku The aim of the paper is discuss the query of occupational health and safety and their influence on the corporate economic performance. The paper is concerned with the aspects of costs related to the occupational health and safety. Attention is dedicated particularly to categorization of these costs. Occupational health and safety is an important element of the social pillar of sustainable development. bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci; náklady BOZP; ekonomická výkonnost; udržitelný rozvoj
eng Occupational Health and Safety and their Influence on the Corporate Economic Performance The aim of the paper is discuss the query of occupational health and safety and their influence on the corporate economic performance. The paper is concerned with the aspects of costs related to the occupational health and safety. Attention is dedicated particularly to categorization of these costs. Occupational health and safety is an important element of the social pillar of sustainable development. occupational health and safety; occupational health and safety costs; economic performance; sustainable development