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Zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti podniku cestou maximalizace hodnoty pro zákazníka
Autoři: Keřt Radim
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: New Trends of the Development of Industry
Název nakladatele: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 1-7
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti podniku cestou maximalizace hodnoty pro zákazníka Ve svém příspěvku řeším problematiku zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti podniku cestou maximalizace hodnoty pro zákazníka.
eng Increasing the competitive advantage of the company in the way of maximalization value for consumer In my report I deal with increasing the competitive advantage of the company in the way of maximalization value for consumer. At the beginning of my report I ask several questions, which ewoke the importance of surveyed dilemma. In the second chapter I define the basic concepts necessary for understanding the surveyed dilemma. I mention satisfying of needs and request of consumers as one of the main objective of marketing. I characterize concepts need, consumer, client, Maslow´s theory of needs, modern motivational theory, consumer behaviour, analysis of consumer´s behaviour, model of consumer behaviour, purchase stimuli reactionary mechanism. In the third chapter I focus on merits of the case, i.e. on value for consumers, which we can characterize as ?relationship between the satisfaction of needs and source used for achievement this satisfaction". The nature economic tendency of all consumers is to achieve the maximum value at the expenditure of explicit value of finances or required utility to obtain at the lowest acquisition costs. On the other hand it can cause for producers among others it, that the higher is the value of products or services for consumers, the more easily this product or service can sell. The producers have to take into consideration in the effort to maximize value for consumers and two basic limitation: undesirable size of consumer required utility and the size of consumer´s purchasing power. In the fourth chapter I focus on the basic substance of methodology of encreasing the value for consumer and the value management. I explain, why indices MVA (Market Value Added) and EVA (Economic Value Added) best represent the maximization of value for proprietors (Shareholder Value) and maximization value of others, on business concerned subjects (Stakeholder Value). increasing the competitive advantage of the company in the way of maximalization value for consumer;satisfying of needs and request of consumers;needs;consumers;clients;Maslow´s theory of needs;modern motivational theory;consumer behaviour;analysis of consumer´s behaviour;model of consumer behaviour;purchase stimuli reactionary mechanism;MVA (Market Value Added) and EVA (Economic Value Added).