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Results of IUPAC Project No. 1999-021-1-400 Round Robin Test on the Molecular Characterization of Epoxy Resins by Liquid Chromatography
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization
Název nakladatele: IUPAC
Místo vydání: Heidelberg
Strana od-do: P19
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Výsledky kruhového testu IUPAC projektu č. 1999-021-1-400 Jsou předloženy výsledky kruhového testu IUPAC Project No. 1999-021-1-400 Round Robin Test on the Molecular Characterization of Epoxy Resins by Liquid Chromatography. Jsou srovnány různé metody stanovení molekulové hmotnosti. epoxy resin, size exclusion chromatography
eng Results of IUPAC Project No. 1999-021-1-400 Round Robin Test on the Molecular Characterization of Epoxy Resins by Liquid Chromatography The paper reports results acquired during the IUPAC Project No. 1999-021-1-400 Round Robin Test on the Molecular Characterization of Epoxy Resins by Liquid Chromatography. The results obtained by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with column calibration are compared with those determined by SEC combined with a light scattering or a viscometric detector and absolute methods of molar mass determination. The influence of SEC experimental conditions on the obtained results is studied. epoxy resin, size exclusion chromatography