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Effect of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate Comonomers in Ethyl Acrylate/Methacrylic Acid Latex Particles Alkali-Swellability and Film Formation
Autoři: Šňupárek Jaromír | Kadrnka Bohuslav | Prokůpek Luboš
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Congress Proceedings
Název nakladatele: AFTPVA - Association Francaise des Techniciens des Peintures
Místo vydání: 5 rue Etex, F-75018 Paris
Strana od-do: 849-855
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv styrenu a methylmethakrylátu jako komonomeru v EA/KMA kopolymerech na míru botnání častic v alkalickém prostředí Byla studována hydroplastifikace povrchu alkalizovaných disperzních částic. Bylo prokázáno, že přítomnost styrenu jako komonomeru v základním řetězci polymeru snižuje rozsah hydroplastifikace výrazněji v porovnání s methylmethakrylátem. Acrylic latex; styrene acrylic latex; latex viscosity; alkali-swellable latex; hydroplysticization; film-formation; pigment binding
eng Effect of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate Comonomers in Ethyl Acrylate/Methacrylic Acid Latex Particles Alkali-Swellability and Film Formation Series of emulsion copolymers were synthesized comprising methacrylic acid in the in constant level of 10 wt. % ethyl acrylate as a "soft" comonomer and different levels of methyl methacrylate or styrene as "hard" comonomers. It was shown that the extent of particle swedling and hydroplasticization was affected by the "hard" comonomer content and its polarity. The MFT results were found to be in good agreement with the titration curves with Zeta-poten¨tial measurements and with the flow behavior of the copolymer latices. As the hydroplasticization is based on the particle surface swelling by water it also is accorpanied by a strong increase in latex viscosity, this also being dependent on the comonomer polarity, Particle hydroplasticization affected physical-mechanical properties of pigmented coatings. Acrylic latex; styrene acrylic latex; latex viscosity; alkali-swellable latex; hydroplysticization; film-formation; pigment binding