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Low Temperature Ferromagnetism in Sb2-xCrxTe3 Single Crystals
Autoři: Dyck J.S. | Drašar Čestmír | Lošťák Petr | Uher C.
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Název nakladatele: American Physical Society
Místo vydání: College Park
Strana od-do: 1460
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nízkoteplotní feromagnetismus v krystalech Sb2-xCrxTe3 Nízkoteplotní feromagnetismus v krystalech Sb2-xCrxTe3 chromium doped antimony telluride;ferromagnetism;single crystals
eng Low Temperature Ferromagnetism in Sb2-xCrxTe3 Single Crystals There has been a great deal of recent research activity on the incorporation of magnetic ions into semiconductors to produce ferromagnetism. Most of the past attention has been focused on the (Ga,Mn)As system, though it is not clear if this system will provide Curie temperatures near room temperature. Investigation of alternative candidate semiconductor hosts is important both for a search for ferromagnetic behavior above room temperature as well as to gain a more general understanding of the physics of diluted magnetic semiconductors. Recently, we showed that doping single crystals of Sb_2Te_3 with vanadium results in ferromagnetic behavior at low temperatures, while crystals doped with manganese are paramagnetic down to 2 K. Here, we will present magnetic and transport properties of bulk single crystals of Sb_2-xCr_xTe_3, which display Curie temperatures near 22 K for x = 0.09. The presence of the anomalous Hall effect solidifies this system as a ferromagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor. Unlike in vanadium doped Sb_2Te_3, the coercive field in the chromium-doped analog is considerably smaller. chromium doped antimony telluride;ferromagnetism;single crystals