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New Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Materials with an Azo Group in the Molecular Core
Autoři: Kašpar Miroslav | Bubnov Alexej | Hamplová Věra | Pirkl Slavomír | Glogarová Milada
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Liquid Crystals
Název nakladatele: Taylor & Francis Inc
Místo vydání: London
Strana od-do: 821-830
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nové feroelektrické kapalné krystaly s azo-skupinou v centrální části molekuly Nové feroelektrické kapalné krystaly s azo-skupinou v centrální části molekuly ferroelectric;liquid crystals;smectic;synthesis;physical properties
eng New Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Materials with an Azo Group in the Molecular Core Six series of new liquid crystalline materials with an azo group located in different parts of the mesogenic core of the molecule have been synthetized and their physical properties studied.The chiral segments of these materials are based on alkoxypropionate or alkyllactate units. For the compounds which show the ferroelectric SmC* phase, the temperature of the spontaneous polarization, the spontaneous tilt angle, the helix pitch and the complex permitivity has been studied. The effect of shifting the azo group in the molecular core and lateral substitution in the core on the pysical properties are discussed. ferroelectric;liquid crystals;smectic;synthesis;physical properties