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Low levels of antioxidant vitamins increase the risk of myocardial infarction in Czech population.
Autoři: Mužáková Vladimíra | Roušar Tomáš | Vojtíšek Petr | Skalický Jiří | Červinková Zuzana
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Free Radical School 2004
Název nakladatele: neuveden
Místo vydání:
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nízké hladiny antioxidačních vitamínů zvyšují riziko infarktu myokardu v české populaci Detekované nízké hladiny antioxidačních vitaminů beta-karotenu a alfa-tokoferolu v případě pacientů s infarktem myokardu jsou v souladu s hypotesou, že antioxidační vitaminy mají dlouhodobý vliv na snižování progrese aterosklerosy a že nižší koncentrace antioxidantů mohou zvyšovat riziko ischemické choroby srdeční. Při porovnání hladin antioxidačních vitamínů v české populaci s doporučenými koncentracemi, největší deficit byl zjištěn v případě beta-karotenu, menší v případě vitaminu E a pouze koncentrace vitaminu C byly v doporučených mezích. antioxidační vitamíny; infarkt myokardu
eng Low levels of antioxidant vitamins increase the risk of myocardial infarction in Czech population. Background: Growing amount of scientific evidence indicate that disbalance of oxidizing reactions and the increasing insufficiency of antioxidant defense system play a role in development of cardiovascular disease and, consequently, that antioxidants may have a protective effect. The aim of this study was to estimate the serum concentrations of antioxidant vitamins in patients with the first acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and healthy control group and to compare them with the concentrations recommended for prevention of cardiovascular disease. Methods: Serum levels of ?Ń-tocopherol (AT), ?Ň?{carotene (BC) and vitamin C (VC) were determined in 50 patients with the first AMI (diagnosed by clinical, biochemical and electrocardiographic criteria, accepted within 6 h since symptom initiation) before starting of thrombolytic treatment and in the control group; AT and BC were determined by HPLC, VC by spectrophotometric method. Statistical methods: t-test, ADSTAT. Results: Lower levels of AT and BC were found in the patients (AMI) compared to control group (C) - AT: AMI 19.7 ?b 7.2 ?ÝM vs C 23.6 ?b 3.1 ?ÝM (p?? 0.05); BC: AMI 0.12 ?b 0.07 ?ÝM vs C 0.18 ?b 0.02 ?ÝM (p?? 0.01), VC: AMI 44.36 ?b 21.40 ?ÝM vs K 53.06 ?b 21.03 ?ÝM (p ?? 0.05). The plasma levels recommended in EU for cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention are: AT ?? 30 ?ÝM, BC ?? 0.4 ?ÝM, VC ?? 50 ?ÝM. Conclusions: The detected low levels of antioxidant vitamins ?Ň?{carotene and ?Ń-tocopherol in case of patients with myocardial infarction are in accordance with the hypothesis that antioxidant vitamins have long-term effects in diminishing of atherosclerosis progression and that the lower antioxidant concentrations may increase the risk of ischemic heart disease. When comparing antioxidant vitamin levels in the Czech population with the recommended concentrations, the major shortage was found in case of ?Ň-carotene, minor in case of vitamin E and only concentrations of vitamin C were in the recomm antioxidant vitamins; myocardial infarction