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Calculation of Relaxation Modulus of Composite Propellants from Dynamical Mechanical Analysis Data
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceeding of the 5th International Armament Conference ?Scientific Aspects of Armament Technology?
Název nakladatele: Wojskowa akademia techniczna Warszawa
Místo vydání: Warszawa
Strana od-do: 199
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Calculation of Relaxation Modulus of Composite Propellants from Dynamical Mechanical Analysis Data solid propellant, DMA, modulus, ANSYS
eng Calculation of Relaxation Modulus of Composite Propellants from Dynamical Mechanical Analysis Data The relaxation modulus is a material characteristic, required as an input for the finite element modeling of viscoelastic materials, such as solid propellants. One of the ways to obtain this material property is to calculate it from a dynamic modulus obtained from a dynamical mechanical analysis of the material. This paper describes possibilities of dynamic modulus to relaxation modulus conversion via relaxation spectrum. Five approximative methods of relaxation spectrum calculation are described, the calculation procedure and obtained results are discussed. solid propellant, DMA, modulus, ANSYS