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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

Publikace detail

Autoři: Varga Robert | Ulbrich Pavol
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Academic and Applied Research in Military Science
Název nakladatele: Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University
Místo vydání: Budapest, Hungary
Strana od-do: 633-646
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze SOME EXPERIENCE WITH TRACE ANALYSIS OF POST EXPLOSION RESIDUES TNT, dynamites, post explosion residues, trace analysis, GC-ECD, IC
eng SOME EXPERIENCE WITH TRACE ANALYSIS OF POST EXPLOSION RESIDUES The paper deals with possible applications of GC-ECD and IC to specification of post explosion residues of secondary explosives. Technical TNT and dynamite Danubit 2 have been used as real secondary explosives: at present they are the most frequently abused explosives on the territory of the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.It has been shown that distilled water is a good medium for collecting the post explosion traces of nitro compounds (TNT and DNT) in testing ground. The separation, purification and simultaneous concentrating of aqueous extracts of post explosion residues was realised by means of SPE (the extraction discs type C18). The procedure is simple and allows obtaining extracts for organic and inorganic analyses in a single operation, at a considerably preconcentration the traces of organic explosives. The ECD detector was shown to be highly selective and its combination with GC makes it an efficient tool in trace analysis of organic components of post explosion residues. Similarly, also ion chromatography (IC), thanks to its sufficient sensitivity, is well applicable to trace analysis of inorganic components in these residua. TNT, dynamites, post explosion residues, trace analysis, GC-ECD, IC