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Silver Composite Electrode for Voltammetric Determination of Halogenides
Autoři: Šebková Světlana | Navrátil Tomáš | Kopanica M.
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Analytical Letters
Název nakladatele: Taylor & Francis Inc
Místo vydání: Philadelphia
Strana od-do: 603-628
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Stříbrná kompozitní elektroda pro voltametrické stanovení halogenidů Stříbrná kompozitní elektroda pro voltametrické stanovení halogenidů voltametrie, stříbrná elektroda, halogenidy
eng Silver Composite Electrode for Voltammetric Determination of Halogenides The application of the silver composite electrode prepared from silver, graphite powder and methacrylate resin for the voltammetric determination of halogenide ions was studied. Cathodic direct current (DC) as well as differential pulse (DP) stripping voltammetry (DPV) enable direct determination of chloride, bromide, as well as iodide ions. The achieved limits of detection for all determined ions are sufficient for practical analytical purposes (tap water, natural water, etc.) and results reported in this paper are fully comparable with results achieved using other electrodes. The possibilities of sample analysis without elimination of the presence of surface-active substances or of dissolved oxygen were studied. The silver composite electrode represents a suitable sensor for analytical purposes and seems to be promising for replacement of electrodes in many cases. voltammetry, silver composite electrode, halogenides