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Jedinečnost kvality nabídky na průmyslovém trhu a její podpora prostředky Public Relations
Autoři: Kohoutová Martina | Jelínek Radim
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference Mladý ekonóm 2003
Název nakladatele: Netri, Hronský Beňadik
Místo vydání: Bratislava
Strana od-do: 62-65
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Jedinečnost kvality nabídky na průmyslovém trhu a její podpora prostředky Public Relations The quality of offer plays the most significant role at customer decision making among competitive offers. This article describes and classifies attributes of offer quality evaluated by customers and defines aspects which represent the most potential for creating of unique quality on the current market. This article describes an important role of Public Relations communication with regard to the creation of a unique quality.
eng Unique quality of offer in the industrial market and its support with use of Public Relations means The quality of offer plays the most significant role at customer decision making among competitive offers. This article describes and classifies attributes of offer quality evaluated by customers and defines aspects which represent the most potential for creating of unique quality on the current market. This article describes an important role of Public Relations communication with regard to the creation of a unique quality. Unigue quality of offer; Public Relations; industrial market