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Efficiency of Apparatus for Testing Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity of Energetic Materials
Autoři: Majzlík Jiří | Strnad Jiří
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceeding of the 35th International Annual Conference Of ICT ?Energetic Materials?
Název nakladatele: Fraunhofer - Institut für Chemische Technologie
Místo vydání: Karlsruhe, Germany
Strana od-do: P113/1-P113/10)
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Efficiency of Apparatus for Testing Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity of Energetic Materials An apparaturs for testing the electrostatic discharge sensitivity of various energetic materials (EM) (called ESZ KTTV) has been constructed in the laboratories of DTTE. In the basic operational regime (Short), the discharges into the tested sample have a character of oscillations, whose decaying away depends on the sum of individual Joule electric losses of the circuit. The paper deals with evaluation of the energetic efficiency of ESZ, which can be defined as a ratio of ohmic resistance of the neighborhood of explosive sample tested at the initial phase of its breakdown and the serial resistance of the circuit. secondary explosives sensitivity;electrostatic discharge efficiency;electrostatictesting apparaturs
eng Efficiency of Apparatus for Testing Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity of Energetic Materials An apparaturs for testing the electrostatic discharge sensitivity of various energetic materials (EM) (called ESZ KTTV) has been constructed in the laboratories of DTTE. In the basic operational regime (Short), the discharges into the tested sample have a character of oscillations, whose decaying away depends on the sum of individual Joule electric losses of the circuit. The paper deals with evaluation of the energetic efficiency of ESZ, which can be defined as a ratio of ohmic resistance of the neighborhood of explosive sample tested at the initial phase of its breakdown and the serial resistance of the circuit. secondary explosives sensitivity;electrostatic discharge efficiency;electrostatictesting apparaturs