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Structure and optical properties of Ge-Se amorphous films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
Autoři: Němec Petr | Frumar Miloslav | Jedelský Jaroslav | Černošek Zdeněk | Štábl Marek
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: XX International Congress on Glass
Název nakladatele: The Ceramic Society of Japan
Místo vydání: Tokyo
Strana od-do: P-09-019
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Struktura a optické vlastnosti amorfních vrstev Ge-Se připravených pulsní laserovou depozicí Struktura a optické vlastnosti amorfních vrstev Ge-Se připravených pulsní laserovou depozicí amorphous chalcogenides, thin films, pulsed laser deposition
eng Structure and optical properties of Ge-Se amorphous films prepared by pulsed laser deposition Thin amorphous films of GexSe1-x system, where x = 0.22-0.28, were prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique. The photo- and thermally-induced changes of structure and optical gap (Egopt) of the layers were studied and discussed. The exposure and annealing causes bleaching of films, Egopt values are thus increasing. The structure is influenced only marginally by exposure as it results from Raman spectra, the annealing causes decrease of Raman bands amplitudes corresponding to Ge-Ge, Se-Se bonds and to structural units similar to (GeSe)n. This fact can be ascribed to chemical reactions between the fragments formed during pulsed laser deposition. amorphous chalcogenides, thin films, pulsed laser deposition