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Pulsed laser deposition of As rich amorphous thin films of As-Se system
Autoři: Němec Petr | Jedelský Jaroslav | Frumar Miloslav | Štábl Marek | Vlček Milan
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: XX International Congress on Glass
Název nakladatele: The Ceramic Society of Japan
Místo vydání: Tokyo
Strana od-do: P09018/1-P09018/6
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Pulsní laserová depozice arsenem bohatých tenkých vrstev systému As-Se Pulsní laserová depozice arsenem bohatých tenkých vrstev systému As-Se amorphous chalcogenides, thin films, pulsed laser deposition
eng Pulsed laser deposition of As rich amorphous thin films of As-Se system Thin amorphous AsxSe100-x (x=50, 57.1, 60) films were prepared using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Raman scattering spectra and some optical properties (optical gap, index of refraction) of as-deposited films and their light-induced changes were studied. The structure of PLD films is formed mainly by As-based pyramids. Light-induced changes of Raman spectra of As-Se thin films are attributed to dissociation of As4Se3 cage-like structural units also present in the structure. Giant changes in index of refraction values and also significant photo-induced bleaching of the films after the exposure of as-deposited films are observed and discussed. amorphous chalcogenides, thin films, pulsed laser deposition