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A density functional study of EPR hyperfine coupling for vanadocene (IV) complexes
Autoři: Honzíček Jan | Vinklárek Jaromír | Nachtigall Petr
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Chemical Physics
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 291-298
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze DFT studie EPR hyperjemného štěpení vanadocenových komplexů DFT studie EPR hyperjemného štěpení vanadocenových komplexů metallocene; vanadium; DFT calculations; EPR spectroscopy; HFC tenser
eng A density functional study of EPR hyperfine coupling for vanadocene (IV) complexes Suitability of various exchange-correlation functionals for calculations of HFC tensors was investigated. It was found that A(iso) calculated with B3PW91 functional correlates fairly well with experimental A(iso) for broad range of vanadocene compounds. Simple scaling of calculated A(iso) was proposed. A good correspondence between experimental HFC tensors and those calculated at DFT optimised geometries was found. It is shown that structure of vanadocene complex can be assigned based on the comparison of experimental and theoretical HFC tensors and several examples are presented. The exchange functionals with large mixing of exact exchange (BHPB86) give A(iso) with an error that depends on the extent of spin-contamination of the wavefunction. metallocene; vanadium; DFT calculations; EPR spectroscopy; HFC tenser