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Inclusion compounds of cystostatic active (C5H5)2 VCl2 and (CH3C5H4)2 VCl2 with a-, b- and c- cyclodextrines: Synthesis, EPR study and microbiological behavior toward Escherichia coli.
Autoři: Vinklárek Jaromír | Honzíček Jan | Holubová Jana
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Central European Journal of Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Springer
Strana od-do: 72-81
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Inclusion compounds of cystostatic active (C5H5)2 VCl2 and (CH3C5H4)2 VCl2 with a-, b- and c- cyclodextrines: Synthesis, EPR study and microbiological behavior toward Escherichia coli. The inclusion of vanadocene dichloride (VDC) and 1,1'-dimethyl vanadocene dichloride (MeVDC) into cyclodextrines (a-CD, b-CD and cCD) was studied by EPR spectroscopy. It was found that VDC and MeVDC with b-CD and c-CD form true inclusion compounds, but with a-CD, VDC and MeVDC gave only fine dispersion mixtures. The inclusion was validated by anisotropic EPR spectra of solid samples. In addition, the antimicrobial behavior (against E. coli) of each of the complexes was determined. It was established that not only did VDC and MeVDC cause elongation of E. coli, but also the new vanadocene inclusion complexes were effective in this regard. cyclodextrine
eng Inclusion compounds of cystostatic active (C5H5)2 VCl2 and (CH3C5H4)2 VCl2 with a-, b- and c- cyclodextrines: Synthesis, EPR study and microbiological behavior toward Escherichia coli. The inclusion of vanadocene dichloride (VDC) and 1,1'-dimethyl vanadocene dichloride (MeVDC) into cyclodextrines (a-CD, b-CD and cCD) was studied by EPR spectroscopy. It was found that VDC and MeVDC with b-CD and c-CD form true inclusion compounds, but with a-CD, VDC and MeVDC gave only fine dispersion mixtures. The inclusion was validated by anisotropic EPR spectra of solid samples. In addition, the antimicrobial behavior (against E. coli) of each of the complexes was determined. It was established that not only did VDC and MeVDC cause elongation of E. coli, but also the new vanadocene inclusion complexes were effective in this regard. cyclodextrine