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Structure and properties of Sb2O3-containing zinc borophosphate glasses
Autoři: Koudelka Ladislav | Šubčík Jiří | Mošner Petr | Montagne Lionel | Delevoye Laurent
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 1828-1833
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Struktura a vlastnosti borofosfátových skel s obsahem Sb2O3 Byla studována struktura a vlastnosti skel systému ZnO?B2O3?P2O5 s obsahem Sb2O3 v kompoziční řadě 50ZnO?10B2O3?40P2O5 + xSb2O3 (x = 0?70 mol%).
eng Structure and properties of Sb2O3-containing zinc borophosphate glasses ZnO?B2O3?P2O5 glasses formulated with Sb2O3 were investigated in the series 50ZnO?10B2O3?40P2O5 + xSb2O3 (x = 0?70 mol%). With increasing Sb2O3 content, the values of glass transition temperature decrease from 492 oC down to 394 oC. The dissolution rate of the glasses reveals a maximum for the glass with x = 15 mol% Sb2O3. Raman spectra with increasing Sb2O3 content reflect the depolymerisation of phosphate chains. Antimony at low Sb2O3 content forms individual SbO3 pyramids manifested in the Raman spectra by a broad vibrational band at 520?690 cm-1. In the glasses with a higher Sb2O3 content SbO3 units link into chains and clusters with Sb?O?Sb bridges manifested in the Raman spectra by a strong broad band at 380?520 cm-1. The 31P MAS NMR spectra with increasing Sb2O3 content reflect the depolymerisation of phosphate chains at low Sb2O3 content and only small changes in the PO4 coordination at a high Sb2O3 content. 11B MAS NMR spectra reveal a steady transformation of B(OP)4 units into B(OP)4-x(OSb)x units, accompanied by the transformation of BO4 into BO3 units with increasing Sb2O3 content. Glasses; Raman spectroscopy; Phosphates; Short-range order