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Study of zinc antimonate-phosphate glasses
Autoři: Koudelka Ladislav | Jirák Josef | Mošner Petr | Montagne Lionel | Delevoye Laurent
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B
Název nakladatele: Society of Glass Technology
Místo vydání: Sheffield
Strana od-do: 33-38
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Studium skel systému ZnO-Sb2O3-P2O5 Byla studována oblast tvorby skel v systémuZnO-Sb2O3-P2O5. Skla byla připravena ve třech kompozičních řadách: (60−x)ZnO-xSb2O3-40P2O5, 50ZnO-ySb2O3-(50−y)P2O5 a 40ZnO-zSb2O3-(60−z)P2O5. U skel byly zjišťovány základní fyzikálně-chemické vlastnosti a studována jejich struktura pomocí Ramanovy a MAS NMR spektroskopie.
eng Study of zinc antimonate-phosphate glasses Glass formation was investigated in the ternary system ZnO-Sb2O3-P2O5. Basic physical properties and structure of glasses were studied in three compositional series: (60−x)ZnO-xSb2O3-40P2O5, 50ZnO-ySb2O3-(50−y)P2O5 and 40ZnO-zSb2O3-(60−z)P2O5. Raman spectra of all glasses revealed the incorporation of Sb2O3 into the glass network by the presence of broad complex Raman bands at 520-680 cm−1 and 380?520 cm−1. The first band was ascribed to vibrations of isolated SbO3 trigonal pyramids and the second one to the vibration of Sb-O bonds in O2Sb-O-SbO2 units formed by coupling of SbO3 units. The incorporation of SbO3 units results in the transformation of Q2 (metaphosphate) units into Q1 (diphosphate) units up to Q0 (orthophosphate) units. In the glasses with a higher Sb2O3 content SbO3 structural units form polymer like chains similar to those in glassy Sb2O3. 31P MAS NMR spectra showed the presence of two signals in the glasses with a low Sb2O3 content corresponding to the presence Q2 and Q1 units and only one coordination of P atoms in the glasses with a high Sb2O3 content. Phosphate, Glasses, Structure, Properties