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Thermal properties of alkaline titanophosphate glasses
Autoři: Mošner Petr | Koudelka Ladislav | Pospíšil Jaroslav
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: ICG 2007: XXIst International Congress on Glass
Název nakladatele: The International Commission on Glass
Místo vydání: Strasbourg
Strana od-do: T28
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Termické chování alkalických titanofosfátových skel Pomocí DTA, TMA a rtg difrakční analázy bylo studováno termické chování alkalických titanofosfátových skel o složení (50-x)Me2O-xTiO2-50P2O5 (Me = Li, Na).
eng Thermal properties of alkaline titanophosphate glasses Differential thermal analysis, thermomechanical analysis and X-ray diffraction were used to study the thermal behaviour of (50-x)Me2O-xTiO2-50P2O5 (Me = Li, Na) glasses. The addition of TiO2 into metaphopshate glasses results in a nonlinear increase of glass transition temperature in both glass series, whereas the thermal expansion coefficient decreases. All the studied glasses crystallize on heating in the temperature range of 300-650oC. Crystallization products contained MePO3, NaTi2(PO4)3 and TiP2O7 compounds. The study of crystallization mechanism showed that surface nucleation mechanism predominantly prevails over the internal one. With increasing TiO2 content the maximum nucleation rate temperature shift from the value slightly above glass transition temperature towards crystallization temperature and the nucleation time increases. Phosphate, Glasses, Structure, Properties