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[2,6-(t-BuOCH2)2C6H3Sn(OH)]2O: A rare example of a monomerictetraorganodistannoxane stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bridges
Autoři: Kašná Blanka | Jambor Roman | Schurmann Marcus | Jurkschat Klaus
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Strana od-do: 3555-3558
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze [2,6-(t-BuOCH2)2C6H3Sn(OH)]2O: řidký příklad monomerního tetraorganodistannoxanu Syntéza a struktura [2,6-(t-BuOCH2)2C6H3Sn(OH)]2O (2), druhého příkladu monomerního tetraorganodistannoxu je diskutována
eng [2,6-(t-BuOCH2)2C6H3Sn(OH)]2O: A rare example of a monomerictetraorganodistannoxane stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bridges The synthesis and molecular structure of [2,6-(t-BuOCH2)2C6H3Sn(OH)]2O (2), the only second example of a monomeric tetraorganodistannoxane, is reported. Compound 2 crystallizes in two polymorphic modifications (2a, monoclinic; 2b, triclinic). The two modifications especially differ in their intramolecular Sn-Odistances which fall in the range between 2.789(3) and 3.194(5) A ˚ . It appears, that both the latter and intramolecular O.H?O bridges (2.882(4)?2.907(6) A ˚ ) contribute to the stability of the monomeric structures. organotin oxides, OCO chelating ligand