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Aluminum Alkyls with intramolecularly coordinated oxygen
Autoři: Dostál Libor | Jambor Roman | Růžička Aleš | Císařová Ivana | Holeček Jaroslav
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Applied Organometallic Chemistry
Název nakladatele: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Místo vydání: Chichester
Strana od-do: 797-802
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Hlinité alkyly obsahující O,C,O-cheláty Byly připraveny a charakterizovány organohlinité alkyly obsahující o,C,O-chelátující ligandy
eng Aluminum Alkyls with intramolecularly coordinated oxygen Organoaluminum alkyls L1AlMe2 (1), L2AlMe2 (2) and L2AliBu2 (3) with O,C,O-chelating ligands L1 and L2 (L1 = 2,6-(MeOCH2)2C6H3 and L2 = 2,6-(tBuOCH2)2C6H3) were prepared. The compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, 1H, 13C, 27Al NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis (3). Solution NMR studies indicated the four coordinated aluminum atom and dissociation/association dynamic process in solution of 1-3. The X-ray diffraction analysis of 3 showed the aluminum atom is [4+1] coordinated with the trans-trigonal bipyramidal geometry. The reactivity of 2 was investigated. Reactions of 2 with MeOH and I2 resulted in aluminum alkoxide (L2Al(OMe)2 (4)) and iodides [(LAlI2)-Al-2]. THF (5) and L2AlI2 (6)) respectively, characterized by elemental analysis, IR and 1H, 13C, 27Al NMR spectroscopy. Aluminum;O,C,O-chelating ligands;NMR spectroscopy