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Effect of styrene and methyl methacrylate comonomers in ethyl acrylate/methacrylic acid latex on particle alkali- swellability, film formation and thickening with associative thickeners
Autoři: Šňupárek Jaromír | Quadrat Otakar | Horský Jan
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Progress in Organic Coatings
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 99-103
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv styrenu a methylmethakrylátu v kopolymerech ethylakrylát / kyselina methakrylová na botnatelnost částic v alkalickém prostředí, tvorbu filmu a zahušťování asociativními zahušťovadly Byl studován vliv styrenu a methylmethakrylátu v kopolymerech ethylakrylát / kyselina methakrylová na botnatelnost částic v alkalickém prostředí, tvorbu filmu a zahušťování asociativními zahušťovadly.
eng Effect of styrene and methyl methacrylate comonomers in ethyl acrylate/methacrylic acid latex on particle alkali- swellability, film formation and thickening with associative thickeners Series of emulsion copolymers were synthesized from methacrylic acid, ethyl acrylate as a "soft" comonomer and different amounts of methyl methacrylate or styrene as "hard" comonomers. It was shown that the extent of particle swelling and hydroplasticization at constant content of methacrylic acid was affected by the "hard" comonomer content due to its polarity. The minimum film forming temperature (MFT) results were found to be in good agreement with the titration curves, with zeta-potential measurements and with the flow behavior of the copolymer latices. Viscosity increase caused by particle swelling strongly influences thickening of latex material also being dependent on the comonomer polarity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. acrylic latices; alkali-swellable latex particles; hydroplasticization; film-formation; latex viscosity; thickening