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Structure and properties of titanium-zinc borophosphate glasses
Autoři: Koudelka Ladislav | Mošner Petr | Pospíšil Jaroslav | Montagne Lionel | Palavit Gerard
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Název nakladatele: Academic Press (Elsevier)
Strana od-do: 1837-1843
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Struktura a vlastnosti titaničito-zinečnatých borofosfátových skel Byla studována struktura a vlastnosti borofosforečnanových skel připravených v kompoziční řadě 50ZnO-10B2O3-40P2O5+xTiO2 připravených pomalým ( x = 0-24 mol%TiO2) a rychlým (x = 28-64 mol%TiO2) chlazením taveniny.
eng Structure and properties of titanium-zinc borophosphate glasses The structure of 50ZnO-10B2O3-40P2O5+xTiO2 glasses prepared by slow cooling (for x = 0-24 mol%TiO2) or by quenching (for x = 28-64 mol%TiO2) was studied by Raman, 31P and 11B MAS NMR spectroscopy. TiO2 incorporates into the glass structure which results in a decrease in the molar volume and an increase in the glass transition temperature. According to Raman spectra Ti atoms form distorted TiO6 octahedra and their incorporation into the structural network results in the depolymerization of phosphate chains. 11B NMR spectra of the glasses with increasing TiO2 content show gradual changes from one symmetrical signal of B(OP)4 units to a broad complex signal which was separated into four signals ascribed to four different types of BO4 units. With increasing TiO2 content a part of boron atoms changes from tetrahedral BO4 to trigonal BO3 units, which is ascribed to the formation of TiO6 units in the glass structure. borophosphate glasses, Raman spectra, NMR spectra, titanium dioxide, glass structure