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Influence of the deposition technique on the structural and optical properties of amorphopus As-S films
Autoři: Gonzáles-Leal Juan Maria | Stuchlik Marek | Vlček Miroslav | Jiménez-Garay R | Márquez E
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Applied Surface Science
Název nakladatele: Elsevier Science BV
Místo vydání: Amsterdam
Strana od-do: 348-355
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vliv techniky depozice na strukturu a optické vlastnosti amorfních vrstev systému As-S Amorfní chalkogenidové vrstvy o stechiometrickém složení As40S60 byly připraveny třemi různými technikami ? vakuovým napařováním, metodou PECVD a metodou spin-coating. Byla studován vliv zvolené techniky tvorby vrstev na stupeň jejich strukturální neuspořádanosti, kvalitu vrstev a jejich optické vlastnosti.
eng Influence of the deposition technique on the structural and optical properties of amorphopus As-S films Amorphous chalcogenide films of stoichiometric composition As40S60 have been prepared by three different deposition techniques, namely, vacuum thermal evaporation, plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) and spin coating. Indications of film-thickness inhomogeneities were found in all samples. Thermally evaporated and chemically deposited samples showed wedge-shaped surface profiles, while significant surface roughness was evidenced in the spin-coated ones. Refractive-index values of the film samples were obtained, with accuracy better than 1%, by using the envelope method most suitable for each particular film surface profile. Structural information of the samples has been gained from X-ray diffraction experiments, and also inferred from the analysis of the dispersion of the refractive index, on the basis of a single-oscillator model. Analysis of the optical absorption spectra allowed both calculating the optical band gaps and estimating the localisedstate tail width of these semiconducting films. In addition, information about the degree of structural randomness of these thin- film amorphous alloys was also obtained from this analysis, which is in good agreement with the conclusions derived from the Xray diffraction results. chalcogenide film, evaporation, PECVD, spin-coating, refractive index,