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Epitope extraction technique using a proteolytic microreactor combined with FTICR-MS as a tool for high-throughput screening of potential vaccine lead proteins
Autoři: Bílková Zuzana | Stefanescu R. | Cecal R. | Korecká Lucie | Ouzká Šárka | Ježová Jana | Viovy Jean-Louis | Przybylski M.
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: European Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Název nakladatele: IM Publications
Místo vydání: Chichester
Strana od-do: 489-495
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Extrakce epitopů - nástroj ke screeningu potencionálních peptidů vhodných pro vakcínu, za použití proteolytického magnetického reaktoru kombinovaného s FT-ICR MS. Extrakce epitopů - nástroj ke screeningu potencionálních peptidů vhodných pro vakcínu, za použití proteolytického magnetického reaktoru kombinovaného s FT-ICR MS. trypsin; magnetické mikročástice; Ab (1-40) peptid; epitopová extrakce; imunosorbent; FT-ICR-MS; struktura vakcíny
eng Epitope extraction technique using a proteolytic microreactor combined with FTICR-MS as a tool for high-throughput screening of potential vaccine lead proteins Epitope extraction technique is based on the specific digestion of a target protein followed by immunoaffinity isolation of a specific recognition peptide. This technique, in combination with mass spectrometry, has been efficiently used for epitope identification. The major goal of this work was to utilize newly developed enzyme and immunoaffinity magnetic reactors for the epitope extraction procedure and confirm the efficiency of this improved system for epitope screening of proteins. Alginic acid-coated magnetite microparticles with immobilized TPCK-trypsin provided high working efficiency with low non-specific adsorption, digestion time in minutes and low frequency of missed cleavages. The sensitivity and specificity of tryptic fragmentation of the beta-amyloid-peptide Abeta (1-40) as a model polypeptide was confirmed by Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry analysis. The Sepharose reactor or immunoaffinity magnetic reactors, both with anti-amyloid-beta monoclonal antibodies, were used for specific isolation and identification of target peptides. In this way, the epitope extraction technique combined with mass spectrometric analysis is shown to be an excellent base for molecular screening of potential vaccine lead proteins. trypsin; magnetic microspheres; Ab (1-40) peptide; epitope extraction; immunosorbent; FT-ICR-MS; vaccine lead structure