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Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of Plasma-Polymerised Viniltriethoxysilane Films
Autoři: Mistrík Jan | Cechalova B. | Studynka J. | Čech V.
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Název nakladatele: Springer
Strana od-do: S451-S455
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Elipsometrické studium VTES vrstev připravených plazmovou polymerací. Elipsometrické studium tloušťkové série vrstev viniltriethoxysilanu připravených plazmovou polymerací. Důraz je kladen na detekci tloustkové nehomegenity těchto vrstev. elipsometrie;organosilikáty;plasmová polymerizace;VTES
eng Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of Plasma-Polymerised Viniltriethoxysilane Films Plasma-polymerised vinyltriethoxysilane (pp-VTES) films with thicknesses ranging from 20 nm to about 5 &#61549;m were studied by combined method of spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical reflectivity in VIS and UV spectral zone. For these photon energies Tauc-Lorentz dielectric function (with a band gap of about 2.5 eV) was found to be an appropriate parameterisation of pp-VTES optical constants. Various sample models, accounting for the presence of film interfaces, film refractive index gradient profile and film thickness non uniformity were considered. Pp-VTES films (t < 1&#61549;m) can be considered as homogeneous films, whereas thick films show imperfections, which dominant character was assigned to film thickness non uniformity. ellipsometry;organosilicates;plasma polymerization;VTES