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Srovnání metod izolace plísňové DNA pro následnou PCR
Autoři: Šnévajsová Petra | Brožková Iveta | Vytřasová Jarmila
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník IX. konference mladých vědeckých pracovníků s mezinárodní účastí
Název nakladatele: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 55-58
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Srovnání metod izolace plísňové DNA pro následnou PCR Two classical techniques of DNA extraction were optimized and compared with use of commercial PCR kits. For DNA isolation was also used commercially delivered compound DNAzol?ES. Methods were optimized by using pure cultures A. parasiticus var. globosus CCM F ? 550 and A. flavus CCM F ? 108. These methods were classified in view of DNA purity, concentration, speed of isolation, intensity of instrument techniques and manipulation and last but not least were taken single isolation cost into consideration. The most effective method for DNA isolation was chosen for positive samples for the presence of the aflatoxinogenic fungi. 83 samples of food (first of all tea, spices and medical herbs) were examined. 27 samples were positive for the presence of the aflatoxinogenic fungi on the AFPA medium. After DNA isolation was made amplification by PCR and detection by electrophoresis. Acquired result practically corresponded with result gained on the AFPA medium. aflatoxinogenní plísně; PCR; izolace DNA
eng Comparison of fungal DNA isolation method for subsequent PCR Two classical techniques of DNA extraction were optimized and compared with use of commercial PCR kits. For DNA isolation was also used commercially delivered compound DNAzol?ES. Methods were optimized by using pure cultures A. parasiticus var. globosus CCM F ? 550 and A. flavus CCM F ? 108. These methods were classified in view of DNA purity, concentration, speed of isolation, intensity of instrument techniques and manipulation and last but not least were taken single isolation cost into consideration. The most effective method for DNA isolation was chosen for positive samples for the presence of the aflatoxinogenic fungi. 83 samples of food (first of all tea, spices and medical herbs) were examined. 27 samples were positive for the presence of the aflatoxinogenic fungi on the AFPA medium. After DNA isolation was made amplification by PCR and detection by electrophoresis. Acquired result practically corresponded with result gained on the AFPA medium. Fungal DNA; metdos of DNA isolation; PCR