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Applying of CRM Strategy in the Czech Enterprises.
Autoři: Lošťáková Hana | Jelínková Martina | Simová Jozefína | Dědková Jaroslava
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Towards Knowledge-Based Economy and Enterprise Management: Diagnostics, Strategy, Effectiveness
Název nakladatele: Riga Technical University
Místo vydání: Riga
Strana od-do: 155
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Využití CRM strategie v českých podnicích. Využití CRM strategie v českých podnicích. CRM strategy; types of CRM strategy; CRM strategy in the Czech enterprises; differentiation of care about customers in B2B markets and B2C markets
eng Applying of CRM Strategy in the Czech Enterprises. Contemporary changing market environment, new communication technologies and strong competition lead to mature markets and call for need to individualize a market work. It calls for implementation of a CRM strategy. The degree of adapting offers and services for individual customers while implementing CRM arise not only out of various needs, requirements and shopping and consuming customers´ behaviours but predominantly out of a current and potential benefit of individual customers for a company. This article outlines three types of CRM strategy which vary according to the degree of adapting an offer to costumers. A selection of CRM strategy?s type depends on customer value to a company. It means to apply a differentiated CRM strategy according to different customer?s value to a company. The higher is a customer value to a company, the higher is the degree of adapting an offer to customers. This paper deals with the level of applying differentiated CRM strategy according to customers? value to a company in the Czech enterprises. CRM strategy; types of CRM strategy; CRM strategy in the Czech enterprises; differentiation of care about customers in B2B markets and B2C markets