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Formation of Oligometallic Ring System by Reactions of C,N-chelated Organotin(II) and Organotin (IV) Compouds
Autoři: Padělková Zdeňka | Bareš Josef | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Formation of Oligometallic Ring System by Reactions of C,N-chelated Organotin(II) and Organotin (IV) Compouds Organotin(II and IV) C,N-chelated compounds reacts with various oxidation and substitution agents to form various inorganic rings of different size and shape. This reactivity and the character of these rings as well as the role of Sn-N connection will be discussed.
eng Formation of Oligometallic Ring System by Reactions of C,N-chelated Organotin(II) and Organotin (IV) Compouds Organotin(II and IV) C,N-chelated compounds reacts with various oxidation and substitution agents to form various inorganic rings of different size and shape. This reactivity and the character of these rings as well as the role of Sn-N connection will be discussed. Formation of Oligometallic Ring System by Reactions of C,N-chelated Organotin(II) and Organotin (IV) Compouds