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On Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Organotin (II and IV) Compounds
Autoři: Padělková Zdeňka | Bareš Josef | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze On Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Organotin (II and IV) Compounds Since 1992, we are involved in the chemistry of C,Y- or Y,C,Y-chelated organometallic compounds which exhibit interesting properties due to hemi-labile connection(s) donor(s)-metal. In the last five years, the experiments in field of C,N-chelated stannylenes and stannanes were performed. These compounds and products of their reactivity can be seen as higher congeners of compounds of carbon especially with respect to their reactive intermediates such as carbenes, carbocations, carbanions or carbradicals. In this presentation the reactivity of [2-(N,N-dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl]tin(II and IV) fragment containing compounds will be presented with the main focus to their oxidation by chalcogenes, TEMPO, nitrous oxide, azobenzene and others, reduction, activations of carbon dioxide and disulfide and hydrolysis. The reactivity of low valent compounds with transition metal complexes forming thus oligometallic species and possible applications will be also presented.
eng On Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Organotin (II and IV) Compounds Since 1992, we are involved in the chemistry of C,Y- or Y,C,Y-chelated organometallic compounds which exhibit interesting properties due to hemi-labile connection(s) donor(s)-metal. In the last five years, the experiments in field of C,N-chelated stannylenes and stannanes were performed. These compounds and products of their reactivity can be seen as higher congeners of compounds of carbon especially with respect to their reactive intermediates such as carbenes, carbocations, carbanions or carbradicals. In this presentation the reactivity of [2-(N,N-dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl]tin(II and IV) fragment containing compounds will be presented with the main focus to their oxidation by chalcogenes, TEMPO, nitrous oxide, azobenzene and others, reduction, activations of carbon dioxide and disulfide and hydrolysis. The reactivity of low valent compounds with transition metal complexes forming thus oligometallic species and possible applications will be also presented. On Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Organotin (II and IV) Compounds