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Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Stannylene Towards Azobenzene
Autoři: Padělková Zdeňka | Růžička Aleš
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Stannylene Towards Azobenzene In terms of our work we focused our attention on reactivity of C,N-chelated organotin(II) compound with azobenzene (Fig.1). This reaction produces four-membered ring compound 1 (1,2-diaza-3,4-distannacycle) in the first stage, then the C-H activation occurred with formation of bicyclic compound 2. The four membered ring compound 3 (oxa-2,3,4-tristannacycle) was isolated as a byproduct formed by reduction of parent stannylene and further oxidation with air. Structure of products was studied mainly by the help of NMR spectroscopy in solution and single crystals by help of XRD techniques.
eng Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Stannylene Towards Azobenzene In terms of our work we focused our attention on reactivity of C,N-chelated organotin(II) compound with azobenzene (Fig.1). This reaction produces four-membered ring compound 1 (1,2-diaza-3,4-distannacycle) in the first stage, then the C-H activation occurred with formation of bicyclic compound 2. The four membered ring compound 3 (oxa-2,3,4-tristannacycle) was isolated as a byproduct formed by reduction of parent stannylene and further oxidation with air. Structure of products was studied mainly by the help of NMR spectroscopy in solution and single crystals by help of XRD techniques. Reactivity of a C,N-chelated Stannylene Towards Azobenzene